A Collaborative Approach PFI Expiry & Hand Back?

September 19, 2024

The UK’s portfolio of 700+ PFI projects is approaching expiry. Over 150 projects will come to an end within the next decade.

Authorities will need to carefully consider their contractual rights and future options. The expiry of any PFI project presents complex challenges along with several opportunities.

The Public Sector needs to ensure that its Private Sector Partners have fully delivered on their contractual commitments and ensure that any assets “handed back” are fully compliant to avoid exposing the Public Sector to any future financial and other liabilities.

Procuring Authorities will also need to consider their future needs and the delivery model for the services currently provided under the PFI arrangement.

The Infrastructure & Projects Authority strongly suggests that the Public Sector should start to plan the transition seven years before expiry and that a mutual approach is key to success.

We have prepared a more detailed briefing which may be downloaded here.
For more information then please get in touch with us.

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